Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear God...

Four days late...hopes rose only to be dashed on day five. The next day I find out that two other teachers at my school are pregnant. I really felt I had moved on and could handle situations like this only to find my emotions whirl up inside me and tears pour out my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for my fellow teachers and finding out before I saw them was best but the grief is still fresh in my heart.

You know my heart, my grief, my hurt, my anger, my confusion. I don't know why you chose to answer our prayers with taking our little one home to you. From my close upbringing in you I know there is a reason but I still don't understand. My heart is longing for this little one that from the beginning I gave back to you. Help my heart and head to heal from the hurt of this loss. Give me strength to make it through each day. Hold me when I cry, carry me when I can't go on, and place your arms around me when I am hurting.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there it's needsatimeout. I can't log into my wordpress account *sigh* I hear you we had a staff meeting/baby shower for the two teachers that are due 2 weeks before I was supposed to be due.
    I found a great page on facebook (if you are on fb) it helps on many day!/groups/inanangelsname/s.
    Also when I have more time I will pass on the link where I bought a bracelet that says remembering our babies.
    Thinking of you!
